Are the weight loss supplements with CLA worth it?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Are the weight loss supplements with CLA worth it?

Conjugated linoleic acid, which is commonly referred to as CLA , has long been mentioned as a valuable substance for weight loss and working on a slim body. Can supplements based on this ingredient really help to combat excess weight and surplus body fat?

Why do weight loss supplements contain CLA?

The answer to this question should be sought in the properties of CLA , which, according to many experts, have a valuable influence on the weight loss process and can be helpful when shaping a slim body. Conjugated linoleic acid is primarily a substance with a beneficial effect on the lipid metabolism, which may result in maintaining an optimal level of HDL cholesterol (the so-called good fraction) and reducing too high triglyceride content. In addition, CLA supplements can be an important support for a diet that aims to normalise blood pressure.


Some experts indicate that conjugated linoleic acid can be helpful in the removal of the excessive fat accumulation. However, this is not done through the popular burning process, which is common with many weight loss supplements . In addition to the aforementioned positive effects on the total triglyceride levels, CLA can also have a valuable effect on reducing the number of adipocytes (fat cells) and on increasing the ß-oxidation within the skeletal muscles. Furthermore, it is assumed that this linoleic acid can have a positive effect on the increase in energy consumption by the body (also at rest!). However, it should not be forgotten that a balanced diet and regular physical activity are the basis for weight loss and weight control.

Who should reach for weight loss supplements based on CLA?

Products containing conjugated linoleic acid may prove to be an alternative to fat burners and other weight loss supplements , which contain components with stimulating properties, such as caffeine or guarana extracts. With CLA , there is no worry about sleeping problems, so it can be used in the evening. Moreover, linoleic acid does not show much involvement and strain on the heart muscle so it can be used during weight loss by people with circulatory problems.

Which weight loss supplements contain CLA?

The Olimp Sport Nutrition brand offers the CLA With Green Tea Plus L-Carnitine Sport Edition - a weight loss supplement in the form of easy to swallow capsules. In addition to conjugated linoleic acid, the product contains a highly standardized green tea extract (a source of valuable polyphenols and catechins) and L-carnitine extract (an amino acid affecting the transport of free fatty acids to the energy centers of cells). The product was developed in the modern Research and Development Centre of the Olimp Laboratories pharmaceutical company using an innovative production technology and high quality microbiologically tested raw materials, which guarantees the necessary safety during supplementation.