Calisthenics for beginners. Is it a good choice?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Calisthenics for beginners. Is it a good choice?

Training with your own body weight is a great alternative to regularly lifting weights in the gym. In addition, you can exercise at home and achieve visible results. Calisthenics is an example of this type of exercise. What tips are important for beginners? What should you know before you start training?

Calisthenics for beginners. How should you start?

The main principle of calisthenics is to perform several specific exercises, which are commonly referred to as the base. Their comprehensive impact on the body enables the involvement of many muscle structures, which ensures harmonious development of the body. Exercises for beginners should be based primarily on their own body weight, which can be modified at will with the acquisition of new skills and experience (e.g. using additional equipment such as resistance bands, changing the starting position or modulating the pace of movement).


Calisthenics is a form of progressive training. Each set is based on a small number of repetitions and the exercises themselves are characterized by a ten-degree scale of difficulty.


What is included in this beginner base? These are 6 fundamental exercises which, when mastered, give you the opportunity to perform more complex movements and enable you to control your body more easily. The main calisthenic exercises are:

  • bridge
  • push ups
  • squats
  • pull ups/chin ups
  • •crunches/leg raises on a bar
  • handstands and handstand push ups

Calisthenics for beginners - benefits

Calisthenics provides a number of beneficial effects for beginners taking their first steps in broadly defined physical activity. The comprehensive nature of this training system enables the exercising person to gain many benefits in terms of aesthetics of the body's shape and functionality. Regular calisthenic workouts favour, among other things, the improvement of physical fitness (e.g. dynamics, muscle strength or endurance), activation of deep muscles (core) and improvement of stabilisation of the trunk, elimination of weak links in terms of biomechanics, improvement of movement patterns or increasing the range of motion.


It is also worth adding that calisthenic training is extremely versatile. It can be performed practically anywhere and without the use of additional equipment or dedicated machines. Thanks to this, the exercising people can save time and money, which makes calisthenics an extremely economical option.

Calisthenics and street workout

There is no fundamental difference between these two sports. Street workout is, in fact, calisthenics based on popular infrastructure such as benches, railings and bars. Both names, however, refer to training with own body weight, which does not require additional equipment such as dumbbells, barbells or other devices. Calisthenics and street workout use identical exercises, follow the same principles and provide identical health benefits. It is an ideal option for beginners who take their first steps in sport.