Does it make sense to count calories? The main benefits of a balanced diet

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Does it make sense to count calories? The main benefits of a balanced diet

For many people, the term “diet” is synonymous with eating healthy foods. However, the real key to achieving a slim body is providing the optimum amount of energy. Does calorie counting make sense? What benefits can be gained through a well-balanced nutrition plan?

Does it make sense to count calories: optimal control of body weight

People wishing to maintain a healthy weight and avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of too much bodyweight should opt for counting calories. This way they can be sure that the right amount of energy is supplied to the body to cover all the necessary needs, e.g. those resulting from the current level of physical activity. When you know the level of your daily energy requirements it is much easier to compose meals and reduce the risk of weight gain. Counting calories is extremely important for maintaining a healthy weight!

Does it make sense to count calories: easier meal planning

A large number of people shy away from starting a healthy and balanced diet because of the supposed difficulty of creating the menu. In fact, counting calories makes it much easier to plan meals. Each product has the appropriate calorie and macronutrient content, allowing you to choose your favourite ingredients for cooking. In addition, counting calories makes it easier to determine the chances of introducing a healthy cheat meal into your diet, which should be treated as a kind of reward and a break from the daily diet.

Does it make sense to count calories: greater effectiveness in achieving the goal

Physically active people know very well that building muscle mass or reducing body fat is inextricably linked with calorie counting. Only through an optimally determined surplus or deficit of energy can you effectively achieve your dream body shape or desired weight. Lack of knowledge about the baseline calorie requirements prevents effective work on achieving the desired result.

Does it make sense to count calories: saving time

Although the beginning of the adventure with counting calories can be extremely difficult, over time it is easy to notice less frequent visits to the kitchen. Learning gradually about the calorie content of specific foods slowly starts to become a healthy habit, which over time becomes automatic. After a few months, the preparation of meals to meet the required needs will be extremely quick and the introduction of any changes to the eating plan will not cause even the slightest problem.

Does it make sense to count calories: no risk of the yo-yo effect

Completed weight loss very often carries the risk of the yo-yo effect, which is most easily defined as uncontrolled weight gain. Counting calories is one of the most effective ways to limit it, which is why dieticians and nutritionists recommend that after losing weight, you should aim to gradually increase your energy intake.