How much water to drink during training?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
How much water to drink during training?

It's not a well-known fact that proper hydration is key to exercising effectively and counteracting increasing levels of fatigue. How much water to drink during training? How do you estimate the right amount of fluids to consume during physical activity?

How much water should I drink during training?

It is difficult to unambiguously estimate the body's fluid requirements at the time of completing a training plan. In practice, the amount of water needed by an athlete is closely dependent on a number of factors that determine the preparation of an optimal hydration strategy. First of all, you should pay attention to your current level of experience. Beginners and out-of-shape athletes will lose significantly more water due to increased sweating than professional athletes who are used to working at high speeds. However, training seniority is not everything. Other important issues include:

  • Sweat control
  • training outfit
  • type of sport practised
  • individual characteristics - gender, age, weight
  • the length and intensity of the training
  • ambient temperature (both inside and outside the fitness club)

Developing a specific plan for hydration during training is somewhat of a trial and error method. For example, a beginner who is overweight and does cardio in an air-conditioned room needs to drink a completely different amount of water than someone with the same level of experience and body weight but who does strength training outside in the heat.

How do you know when you need to drink more water during training?

The human body often signals its own needs. It is no different when it comes to hydration. There are many signs that indicate the need to replenish fluids. What to look out for and what is the clear message that you need to drink more water during training?

  • Feeling thirsty - you should not allow a distinct feeling of thirst to appear, which indicates dehydration. It is therefore advisable to drink at least 100 ml of water regularly and every few minutes
  • Urine colour - the darker the colour, the greater the body's need for fluids
  • Body weight - if, after exercise, your body weight is at least 2% lower than your starting weight, it is a good idea to drink more water during your next workout

How to drink water before, during and after training?

Although every exerciser should adopt an individual hydration strategy, it is worth remembering some helpful rules regarding fluid supply during exercise. Approximately 30 minutes before your planned physical activity, consume about 1 glass of water or isotonic drink. During training, drink water in small sips (approx. 50 - 100 ml) to reduce the chance of thirst. After exercise, on the other hand, the amount of fluids depends on your weight loss. To replenish losses, consume approximately 500 ml of water or other beverage (without unnecessary calories) for each kilogram of body weight lost.