How to make changes to your diet? Some valuable tips

Olimp Sport Nutrition
How to make changes to your diet? Some valuable tips

Athletes, nutritionists and all enthusiasts of a healthy lifestyle know that a nutrition plan, just like a training schedule, needs to be modified from time to time. How to make changes in the diet? What should be kept in mind when preparing a new menu?

Why make dietary changes?

There are a number of reasons why changes can be made to your current diet. A diet plan should never be seen as something that cannot be modified. Dietitians often present their clients with a range of solutions to adapt the dietary plan to their current needs or situation. What's more, people on a diet are usually given a helpful 'guide' in the form of a substitution chart - so it's no problem to replace chicken with fish or tofu, or use porridge or pasta instead of potatoes.


People who exercise make changes to their diet for a variety of reasons. Introducing new meals into the diet plan makes it possible to overcome routine and avoid boredom. Moreover, modifications can be caused by:

  • changing the macronutrient distribution
  • setting a new calorific value for the diet
  • food allergies or intolerances
  • changing the number and timing of meals
  • current working mode, e.g. three-shift operation
  • the replacement of animal products by plant-based alternatives

How should dietary changes be made?

First of all, it is worth remembering that making changes to your diet should be done gradually. It is much better to decide for a slow increase in a calorie deficit or surplus than to make a strongly felt change in the energy balance of your diet plan. What is more, the changes will be much more beneficial if they are extended in time. The body will have sufficient opportunity to adapt to the new conditions.


The second factor is your current needs. When making dietary changes, the level of training intensity and general physical activity should be taken into account. It may happen that the recommended number of calories will not be sufficient to cover the daily demand of the body. Regular exercise, frequent walks or commuting by bicycle all affect the total calorie content of a diet.


Don't forget that dietary changes are closely linked to the current goal. People building muscle will make modifications to their diet plan in terms of a gradual increase in calorie intake. The additional calories will help to increase energy reserves and provide the body with the necessary building blocks to work on a muscular physique.


It is completely different in the case of losing weight. People struggling with too much weight and excessively accumulated fat tissue should gradually 'cut' calories from their diet.


An increasing energy deficit causes an increase in metabolic rate. This in turn translates into an increasing involvement of fat deposits as a potential energy source, e.g. for more intensive training.