Is fasted training worthwhile and what results should be expected?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Is fasted training worthwhile and what results should be expected?

Although breakfast is considered to be the most important meal of the day, more and more people decide to train fasted. Is it worthwhile to start exercising without an optimal energy reserve? Who can and who should not choose such a solution?

Is fasted training worthwhile while building muscle mass?

Training aimed at stimulating the process of hypertrophy is inextricably linked to the use of heavy weights. What's more, in order to build muscle mass you will need a well-balanced diet with a properly adjusted calorie surplus. After waking up and "all-night fasting" there is an increased level of cortisol in the body. It is not difficult to guess that the excess of the "stress hormone" does not predict anything good.


The energy produced in the body after waking up comes from catabolic processes, namely the breakdown of muscle tissue. Insufficient glycogen levels make our metabolism try to get the necessary energy from the muscles rather than the accumulated fat in the first place. Strength training while fasted will intensify this process, which is by no means desired by the athlete. Is it therefore worthwhile to train on an empty stomach while building muscle mass? Definitely not!


It is worthwhile to provide your body with solid protection for the muscle tissues before exercising. For this purpose, you can use, for example, a shake containing a whey-based protein supplement with a small addition of carbohydrates. For example, a single serving of Whey Protein Complex 100% by Olimp Sport Nutrition with a small portion of fruit as a form of light breakfast should yield the desired results and protect the muscles from breakdown. A complex of exogenous amino acids such as Amino EAA Xplode will prove to be an equally good solution among the products of this brand.

Is fasted training worthwhile during the process of fat loss?

Things look different when the goal is to get rid of the remaining layers of fat and develop a slim body. Doing the workout fasted will engage fat tissue as a source of energy for the muscles. After waking up, the insulin level is extremely low - as opposed to the glucagon released by the pancreas, which causes the secretion of sugar into the blood and influences the oxidation of fat accumulated in the body, a popular process of "fat burning".


Is it worth to train without eating breakfast beforehand? If the goal is to get rid of unnecessary body fat, it's best to do so. It is worth remembering, however, that the day before (preferably in the evening) you should provide your body with an optimally large portion of carbohydrates. This will provide the muscles with the appropriate energy supply, which will remain in the body even for several hours after dinner. Meanwhile, shortly before the workout itself, the diet should be supplemented with the necessary exogenous amino acids, which will allow the muscle tissue to be properly protected against the consequences of intensive physical activity. For this purpose, BCAA Xplode from Olimp Sport Nutrition, which additionally contains L-glutamine and vitamin B6, will be a good solution.