Protein for cutting. What should you know about it?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Protein for cutting. What should you know about it?

Although it is widely known that protein has a beneficial effect on maintaining muscle mass and body development, it is worth remembering its important role in the struggle against excessive body fat. What makes protein during cutting as important of a component as during mass building?

Find out about the benefits of protein during cutting

Reducing the excess fat deposits requires the introduction of a calorific deficit. The reduction in the amount of calories consumed will cause the body to draw energy from the accumulated fat tissue on its own - in the same way as for the scheduled exercise and everyday functioning. Nevertheless, human metabolism is proving to be somewhat "lazy" in this regard and focuses primarily on protein, which, unlike fat, is much easier to break down. The body's goal is to survive the high energy expenditure (training) with a reduced number of calories in the diet.


It is not difficult to guess that this will result in popular "drops" of muscle mass. Weight loss and reduction of the fat tissue often results in a loss of muscle mass. Athletes, however, try to minimize this unfavourable process. Consuming more protein during cutting coupled with a regular physical activity at a moderate level of intensity will help to properly protect the muscle tissue and maintain the previously built muscle mass.


Protein is also a rich source of various endogenous and exogenous amino acids - essential components of muscle-forming proteins. This leads to the assumption that amino acids can influence the total amount of muscle mass to a greater or lesser extent, as well as helping to maintain optimal protein levels for cutting.

How much protein should you eat during cutting?

This is a highly individual subject, which every athlete should adapt to their own needs and the current intensity of their training. Depending on age, rate of metabolism, type of discipline and gender, the daily demand for protein will be completely different. A different amount will be suggested to an obese teenager who has no experience with physical activity than to an athletic woman in her thirties. The amount of protein during cutting can be averaged to the commonly used amounts, i.e. from 1.6 to about 2g/kg of body weight, but it will be better to consider yourself as a completely unique example.

Can the protein during cutting be provided in a form of a supplement?

Nothing stands in the way of supplementing the complete protein in your daily diet with a high-protein supplement. Dietary supplements, including protein supplements of the Olimp Sport Nutrition brand, have been supporting beginners and experienced athletes, who focus primarily on impeccable quality, for many years. Modern laboratory facilities and innovative production technology ensure that each raw material used has been properly tested for microbiological purity. The company's priority is to comply with pharmaceutical standards and the necessary safety standards, which proves the high quality of each product bearing the Olimp Sport Nutrition logo.


Which protein supplement will be a good choice during cutting? Pure Whey Isolate 95 is a complete whey in the form of a highly assimilable isolate that allows you to quickly absorb the necessary nutrients and accumulated amino acids. The low sugar and fat content makes it easy to reduce additional calories during cutting, and most importantly, it does not affect the unique flavours of the product in any way.