Take care of your eyes - daily diet and supplements for your eyes

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Take care of your eyes - daily diet and supplements for your eyes

Working long hours in front of a computer screen and the constant light emission from smartphone displays undoubtedly has a big impact on the condition of your eyes. How should you take care of your eyesight? Can a varied diet and carefully selected supplements help to maintain proper vision?

Causes of eyesight problems

Most eye disorders involve a gradual loss of proper visual acuity. Blurred vision, problems with perceiving details, increased tiredness while reading are only some of the symptoms indicating the beginning of vision disorders. There are many risk factors with a negative effect on the state of your eyesight:

  • excessive light and radiation emissions from electronic devices
  • adverse effects of free oxygen radicals and oxidative stress
  • poorly balanced diet and vitamin deficiencies in the daily diet
  • inadequate lighting and unsuitable workstation (e.g. poorly positioned monitor)
  • smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, long-term use of certain medications
  • progressive ageing of the body, old age and the resulting problems, e.g. problems with absorption and assimilation of certain nutrients

In a large number of cases, vision problems require consultation with an ophthalmologist and an optician who will decide whether or not you need to wear glasses. However, you can maintain your eyesight in good condition through a varied diet supported by high-quality food supplements.

Take care of your eyesight with diet and supplementation

Many products contained in the daily diet are a rich source of numerous active substances and ingredients. It is these that provide a valuable influence for the organ of vision to function properly. Their action is extremely varied - from supporting the regeneration processes, through cell protection and the fight against free oxygen radicals, to maintaining proper vision. In order to take care of your eyesight it is worth remembering about:

  • vitamins A, C and E
  • minerals e.g. zinc, selenium
  • omega polyunsaturated fatty acids (e.g. DHA)
  • plant extracts (e.g. citrus bioflavonoids, bilberry)
  • antioxidants and flavonoids (e.g. lutein, zeaxanthin, anthocyanidins)

The above substances may also be supplied in the form of dietary supplements. The Olimp Labs brand offers products whose comprehensive formulas are tailored to alleviating the most common eye problems. Olimp Gold-Luteina, Olimp Luteina Bio-Complex and Olimp Luteina Max-Complex are high-quality products manufactured in a modern Research and Development Centre of the Olimp Laboratories pharmaceutical company, which help to supplement the daily diet with the most important ingredients which, due to their optimal amounts, provide multidimensional support for the proper vision and the condition of the eyes.