Training at home and apps worth recommending. Why should you try them?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Training at home and apps worth recommending. Why should you try them?

Innovative technological solutions have often turned out to be a great convenience for various spheres of life. It was no different for physical activity and active recreation. We would like to present apps worth recommending, which will allow you to enjoy training at home even more and increase your commitment to achieving your goal.

Training at home and apps worth recommending – exercise database

Digital exercise databases provide an extensive inventory of many exercises that can be used for training at home. All exercises have been divided according to various criteria (e.g. difficulty level, muscles worked, gender, type of training), which makes it possible to avoid major mistakes when preparing your own plan. The exercise database is an app worth recommending to both beginners and experienced users. Each of them will get a large portion of knowledge and precise instructions on the correct technique of performing a given exercise.

Training at home and apps worth recommending – BMR and calorie calculators

No more uncertainty about the number of calories consumed during the day. The mobile calorie calculators are equipped with extensive databases that allow you to check the energy value of the purchased products. On this basis you can easily create a diet to build muscle mass or plan an effective weight loss. You can easily calculate the amounts of consumed macronutrients, which can be adjusted to the intensity and the number of workouts performed during the day. Another app worth recommending for training at home is the BMR calculator, which allows you to quickly calculate the basic energy requirements - this is necessary to establish your training goals and to obtain the answer to the following question: should you bulk or cut?

Training at home and apps worth recommending – workout journal

With this application you can easily note down your previous results (e.g. the amount of weight used) and analyze your progress between the training sessions. You can easily enter your body weight and the circumference measurements of individual body parts, record the exact hourly meal schedule with the exact number of calories and even note down the number of steps taken if you use the popular smart watches or fitbands. The virtual journal for training at home is an app worth recommending for those who want to have everything at hand, as well as to monitor their fitness progress and motivate themselves to continue working out.