What does the transition from bulking to cutting entail?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
What does the transition from bulking to cutting entail?

A completed muscle mass building phase can only mean one thing - it's time for a cut! Often the transition between these stages is quite a challenge for the trainees, who can make many glaring mistakes. What is the essence of the problem? How to start a new training cycle so that you don't lose too much of the effects you've already achieved?

Transition from bulking to cutting – a gradual increase of the deficit

According to many people, the cut should start off hard, which can be observed many times through cutting a large number of calories at the very beginning of the body shaping process. After several months of being on a bulk, the body is accustomed to eating larger amounts of food, which involves large deposits of energy coming from food. Drastic introduction of a significant deficit will cause problems with a smooth transition between one stage and another.


Therefore, a slow and balanced decrease in the daily calorie count will be a much better solution. The starting point can be a deficit of 100 to 200 calories, which should be gradually increased. Remember that the diet must not be a challenge and must not lead to a deterioration in your well-being or daily functioning. You should take care of your own psychophysical condition at all times, as cutting off too many calories may lead to a lack of sufficient energy to perform your training effectively.

Transition from bulking to cutting – changing the volume and intensity of the training plan

Workouts aimed at building muscle mass are characterized by a completely different approach when creating a plan. Hypertrophy is usually based on performing exercises with high loads, much longer break times and less movements per one set of a given exercise. When being on a cut it is much better to decide to use dynamic activities, and the training plan itself should not last more than 60 minutes. Short breaks and a high pace provide much better conditions for the body to effectively burn fat and lose excess weight.


During the transition to an energy-deficient diet, you should ensure that the intensity and volume of the plan is adjusted to the daily calorie intake. Otherwise, it's quite easy to experience the dangerous yoyo effect or even the loss of muscle mass that you've previously achieved.

Transition from bulking to cutting – proper supplementation

Since it has been mentioned several times that transitioning from bulking to cutting is associated with the risk of losing muscle mass, it is worth knowing how to maintain the effects of your previous work. It will come as no surprise that the best solution will be to maintain an optimal protein intake in your daily diet. Protein supports the growth and maintenance of muscle mass, and enriches the body with many valuable amino acids. Therefore, when deciding on supplementation, it is best to choose products from experienced and long-standing manufacturers.


The Olimp Sport Nutrition brand recommends the Pure Whey Isolate 95 protein supplement, which allows you to enrich your daily diet with high quality whey protein isolate with a rich aminogram and a small amount of sugar and fat. The product is characterized by a delicate taste, high protein content, truly pure raw materials and a trouble-free solubility - such a product will certainly facilitate the transition from bulking to cutting and achieve your dream goal, which is an athletic body with an aesthetically outlined muscle mass!