Alcohol and a healthy diet - can they be combined?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Alcohol and a healthy diet - can they be combined?

For many, the weekend is an unmistakable cue for a party, which is often associated with an indulgent buffet and alcoholic beverages. For fans of healthy lifestyles, this can pose problems and questions: can these be combined? Is it necessary to choose between alcohol and your diet?

The dark side of alcohol and its impact on a healthy diet

Virtually every diet plan designed for weight loss and working on an athletic body involves limiting or completely giving up alcohol consumption. No wonder, because although alcoholic beverages are certainly one of the elements of parties and social meetings, their consumption has a negative impact on the body. First of all, alcohol provides empty calories and a practical lack of nutritional value. Therefore, every additional pint of beer or glass of vodka does not provide the body with anything valuable except an extra shot of intoxication and useless energy.


Empty calories mean no real impact on the feeling of satiety or hunger satisfaction. That's not all! Practically everyone can confirm that after a few beers with friends there usually comes a suggestion of ordering something to eat. Alcohol stimulates the appetite and what's worst, it usually stimulates the taste for spicy, salty and extremely fatty meals.  Speaking of the aforementioned beer, it is worth mentioning its high glycemic index. A high GI leads to a strong increase in glucose levels, which translates into insulin release which can increase the chances of fat accumulation.


Furthermore, it must not be forgotten that the effect of alcohol on a healthy diet is felt at the level of metabolic efficiency. Alcoholic beverages are treated by the body as a toxic substance, which requires the involvement of the liver. In addition, alcohol has strong diuresis properties and this can lead to dehydration and excessive mineral loss, among other things.

Can alcohol and a healthy diet be combined?

It must not be forgotten that all extremes have an adverse effect on body and spirit. Therefore, in order to combine alcohol and a healthy diet, you need to have the right attitude and a lot of sense. With a few simple steps, you can ensure that the work on your dream physique is not lost after one weekend evening.

  1. When choosing to drink alcohol, opt for dry wine, which has few calories compared to other drinks.
  2. It's a good idea to eat a solid and wholesome meal before the party, which will help you avoid reaching for unhealthy snacks.
  3. If you drink vodka, reach for mineral water with lemon instead of coloured and sugary drinks.
  4. Keep well hydrated throughout the evening to reduce the risk of an excessive hangover, e.g. a glass of water for every drink or glass of wine consumed.
  5. Drink in moderation and don't overdo the quantity - try to keep your evening in moderation, socialising with alcohol should be no more frequent than every 3 weeks.