Healthy snacks - what to take with you on your walk?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Healthy snacks - what to take with you on your walk?

The concept of physical activity is not reserved exclusively for sports training and exercises in a fitness club. Even a small form of exercise such as walking plays an extremely important role in the process of weight management. What healthy snacks to take with you on a longer walk? What to reach for when you are hungry but don't necessarily want to eat a large meal?

Healthy snacks for a walk: protein bars

High-protein bars are certainly one of the best options for a healthy snack on a walk. Thanks to their handy size, the products can be taken virtually anywhere, and their sealed packaging allows them to be stored in a rucksack or a bag. The greatest advantage of protein bars is, of course, their composition - manufacturers have made sure that the bars enable supplementation of a diet with an optimal portion of complete protein. They also contain valuable additives such as fibre, which has a beneficial effect on prolonging the feeling of satiety.


The offer of Olimp Sport Nutrition brand includes several sensational protein bars, which can be successfully used in a daily diet. Products such as Olimp Protein Bar, Olimp Gladiator High Protein Bar, Olimp Matrix Pro or Olimp Twister are available in fantastic flavours, and the pleasant texture of the bars will ensure great pleasure during consumption. In turn, vegans and vegetarians can try the Olimp Veggie Protein Bar, which is completely free of animal ingredients and is based exclusively on complete plant proteins.

Healthy snacks for a walk: protein wafers

An alternative to bars are unique healthy snacks in the form of crunchy wafers covered in chocolate. In turn, the delicious and high-protein filling will allow you to enjoy every bite, which will help to control hunger and support the work on maintaining muscle mass. Protein wafers are an ideal way to provide the body with a solid portion of macronutrients in a short time. Olimp Sport Nutrition recommends Olimp Protein Snack, whose amazing flavours will help you replace high calorie sweets.

Healthy snacks for a walk: fresh fruit

When going for a walk, we expend energy to complete the planned route. Admittedly, the level of energy expenditure is not equivalent to an intensive workout, but it is worth including it in the daily balance. One of the best options for a healthy snack is fresh fruit, which is available in almost every shop. There are many benefits for the body in fruit. In addition to a solid portion of energy from carbohydrates, they contain fibre, valuable minerals and vitamins and many valuable antioxidants. In addition, many fruits will help quench your thirst with plenty of water in the form of natural juice. It is worth remembering that overripe fruit (e.g. browned bananas or apples) have a higher glycemic index (GI) value. This causes a faster rise in sugar levels, a stronger release of insulin and increases the chance of fat gain.