How does creatine work? Improve your physical performance!

Olimp Sport Nutrition
How does creatine work? Improve your physical performance!

Science and training practice have confirmed the validity of using creatine in the daily supplementation. Maintaining its optimal level seems to be one of the most beneficial ways to maintain proper fitness. How does creatine work and in what form is it best used?

How does creatine work? Increase in cell hydration

One of the main properties of creatine is its pronounced ability to bind water molecules, the best example of which is its classic monohydrate form. This effect has been used by the athletes who, through creatine supplementation, could obtain a visual effect of a "bulky" body. The use of creatine in combination with a properly balanced diet and regular training allows to create optimal conditions for working on a muscular body.

How does creatine work? Increase in phosphocreatine levels

However, one must not forget that the most important activity of creatine is its participation in the process of regenerating ATP reserves. The functioning of some organs is associated with a large energy expenditure, therefore some of them require much greater availability of the mentioned ATP - a carrier of energy for the work of the brain, skeletal muscles, kidneys and liver. How does creatine work in this respect?


The task of the supplied creatine is to participate in the phosphorylation process, which leads to the production of phosphocreatine. The resulting compound is used in the body for the resynthesis of ATP, which provides numerous biochemical processes with constant access to the appropriate amount of energy. Among other things, ATP is used by muscle tissue, especially during intensive anaerobic exercise. It is assumed that constant supplementation with creatine can lead to an increase in physical performance. This effect can be achieved by using 3 g of creatine per day.

Does the form of creatine affect how it works?

There are many different opinions concerning the use of creatine and its forms available on the market. However, in order to dispel doubts, it should be mentioned that every form of creatine works in the same way and participates in the mechanism of endogenous ATP regeneration.
When looking for a creatine supplement it is worth checking the offer of Olimp Sport Nutrition brand. The products are produced in the technologically advanced Research and Development Centre of the Olimp Laboratories pharmaceutical company, where only tested and microbiologically pure raw materials are used.


Fans of the legendary creatine monohydrate can reach for the Creatine 1250 Mega Caps supplement, which allows you to enrich your daily diet in a simple and convenient way. Those looking for products in powdered form should check the advanced creatine complex Creatine Xplode. It is a product combining as many as six different forms of creatine, which is additionally enriched with extra taurine. When dissolved in water, it allows to prepare a refreshing and intensely fruity drink.