Supplements for boosting energy. Which ones are worth considering?

Olimp Sport Nutrition
Supplements for boosting energy. Which ones are worth considering?

Lack of strength, sluggishness, low motivation and a sense of distraction - sounds familiar? Insufficient energy can cause a significant deterioration of your daily life, not to mention a lack of efficiency during training. Are there any worthwhile supplements for boosting energy? Which products should be used to ensure an optimal support?

Supplements for boosting energy – magnesium

Magnesium is one of the fundamental elements in a daily diet, the optimal level of which allows to maintain a proper energy metabolism. In addition, it has a positive effect on the optimization of the nervous system, reduces the feeling of fatigue and helps to maintain proper psychological functions. Magnesium deficiency is a frequent cause of concentration problems, headaches or a reduced well-being, which can result in a general weakness and a persistent feeling of irritation. Magnesium can certainly be counted among the supplements for boosting energy that should enrich your home's supplies in the first place.

Supplements for boosting energy – calcium

Another and equally valuable element for combating low energy levels is calcium. Commonly known for its beneficial effect on the processes of bone mineralisation and providing them with a solid strength, it turns out to be important in the context of regulating the proper muscle function. Moreover, it supports the correct nervous transmission, which can be disrupted many times in situations of high levels of fatigue and can cause, e.g. worsened concentration or uncomfortable and involuntary muscle spasms.

Supplements for boosting energy – B vitamins

It has been known for a long time now that vitamin B compounds are beneficial for the nervous system during high levels of psychophysical fatigue. Vitamins such as Bb or B12 are often recommended to improve the already mentioned energy metabolism, prevent fatigue or support psychological functions. They are very often found in supplements for boosting energy that also contain magnesium, which is associated with the effective synergy of these substances and provide a real support for the daily diet.

Supplements for boosting energy – vitamin C

In the context of low energy levels, one of the most important antioxidants - L-ascorbic acid - cannot be forgotten. Commonly known as vitamin C, it is recommended for physically active people primarily because of its valuable effect on the proper functioning of the immune system and a significant participation in the process of collagen synthesis. Similarly to previous substances, it helps to maintain a proper energy metabolism. In addition, it supports the metabolism in the fight against free radicals and the reduction of adverse effects of oxidative stress, which can often cause a reduction in total energy levels.

Supplements for boosting energy. What to choose?

When deciding on a supplement, you should opt for a product with a multi-ingredient formula, each serving of which will make it possible to supplement your daily diet with the previously mentioned ingredients. An important issue will be the quantities used - one should not forget that people who are physically active and who train regularly have a much greater demand - also in the context of vitamins and minerals.


Olimp Sport Nutrition has prepared a supplement for boosting energy, which, thanks to the convenient form of capsules, allows you to supplement your daily diet with a complex of essential vitamins and minerals (in the unique form of amino acid chelates!) with the addition of highly standardized plant extracts. Vita-Min Multiple Sport is a composition of the most important ingredients for beginners and experienced athletes who want to enrich their daily diet and maintain optimal functioning of the body every day! The product has been prepared according to the standard of a pharmaceutical company, which has been achieved through the use of tested and microbiologically pure raw materials, modern production technology and innovative laboratory facilities.